Research & Commentary



12 results for:
How to Fight against Market Power in Online Search: UK Edition

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How to Fight against Market Power in Online Search: UK Edition

Google’s dominance in search has made it the subject of antitrust investigations and competition regulation around the world. The latest of these was the announcement in January 2025 that the United Kingdom was launching an investigation under its new digital markets competition regime. In public comments recently filed with UK competition authority, KGI has underscored the importance of being familiar with previous enforcement efforts around the world and prioritizing certain key aspects of competition.

Zander Arnao

From Ambiguity to Accountability: Analyzing Recommender System Audits under the DSA

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From Ambiguity to Accountability: Analyzing Recommender System Audits under the DSA

The first round of Digital Services Act (DSA) recommender system audits are inconsistent in how platforms and auditors define key terms and assess recommender system performance. To ensure meaningful transparency, we need clear definitions, more data, and verifiable system outcomes.

Peter Chapman

The Subtle Art of Promoting Competition in Digital Markets: Key Insights from DMA and Beyond

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The Subtle Art of Promoting Competition in Digital Markets: Key Insights from DMA and Beyond

Nearing the one-year anniversary of the DMA, KGI and the Yale Tobin Center gathered leading minds from academia, industry, and policy for the first DMA and Beyond conference. Attendees dissected the DMA’s early implementation, explored its ripple effects across global tech ecosystems, and debated the future blueprint for digital market regulation.

Zander Arnao, Patricia Ramirez, Aminah Koshul, Divya Goel, Elsie Gyan, Caleb Brown

Ofcom Call for Evidence: Researchers’ access to information from regulated online services

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Ofcom Call for Evidence: Researchers’ access to information from regulated online services

The Knight-Georgetown Institute (KGI) submitted comments to the United Kingdom regulator for communications services’ (Ofcom) call for evidence on researcher access to information from digital platforms. KGI’s comments highlight barriers to independent research and practical steps that Ofcom can take to strengthen access to data and independent research in the online information ecosystem.

Leticia Bode, Peter Chapman

Advancing Platform Accountability: The Promise and Perils of DSA Risk Assessments

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Advancing Platform Accountability: The Promise and Perils of DSA Risk Assessments

Late last year, the public got its first glimpse into one of the EU Digital Services Act’s (DSA) key governance tools. Nineteen designated Very Large Online Platforms and Search Engines (VLOPs and VLOSEs) published systemic risk assessment and audit reports focusing on platform risks and mitigation measures.

The DSA’s required risk assessments and audits create the possibility to advance groundbreaking platform transparency and accountability, but this first round falls far short of realizing that potential.

Peter Chapman
