Leticia Bode

Research Director

Dr. Bode is an associate professor in the Communication, Culture, and Technology master’s program at Georgetown University. She received her PhD in Political Science from the University of Wisconsin – Madison, and her bachelor’s degree from Trinity University. Her work lies at the intersection of communication, technology, and political behavior, emphasizing the role communication and information technologies may play in the acquisition and use of political information. This covers a wide area, including projects looking at incidental exposure to political information on social media, effects of exposure to political comedy, use of social media by political elites, selective exposure and political engagement in new media, and the changing nature of political socialization given the modern media environment. Work on these subjects has appeared in Journal of Communication, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, New Media and Society, Mass Communication and Society, Journal of Information Technology and Politics, and Information, Communication, and Society, and other journals. She also sits on the editorial boards of Journal of Information Technology and Politics, and Social Media + Society. For more about Leticia, follow her on Twitter at @leticiabode.

The Latest From Leticia Bode

Ofcom Call for Evidence: Researchers’ access to information from regulated online services

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Ofcom Call for Evidence: Researchers’ access to information from regulated online services

The Knight-Georgetown Institute (KGI) submitted comments to the United Kingdom regulator for communications services’ (Ofcom) call for evidence on researcher access to information from digital platforms. KGI’s comments highlight barriers to independent research and practical steps that Ofcom can take to strengthen access to data and independent research in the online information ecosystem.

Leticia Bode, Peter Chapman

The CrowdTangle Funeral

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The CrowdTangle Funeral

A diverse community gathered to mourn the loss of CrowdTangle, Meta’s transparency tool that the company killed on August 14, 2024. The funeral highlighted why this tool and others like it are so important.

Leticia Bode, Peter Chapman

The Death of CrowdTangle

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The Death of CrowdTangle

Meta shut down a transparency tool, with significant downstream effects on what independent researchers can learn about the modern information ecosystem.

Leticia Bode
