David Lazer
University Distinguished Professor of Political Science and Computer Sciences at Northeastern University

David Lazer is University Distinguished Professor of Political Science and Computer Sciences, Northeastern University, faculty fellow at the Institute for Quantitative Social Science at Harvard, and elected fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration. He has published prominent work on computational social science, misinformation, democratic deliberation, collective intelligence, and algorithmic auditing, across a wide range of prominent journals such as Science, Nature, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, and the American Political Science Review. His research has received extensive coverage in the media, including the New York Times, NPR, the Washington Post, and the Wall Street Journal. He is a co-leader of the Civic Health and Institutions Project (CHIP50.org), a regular 50 state survey on the major issues confronting US democracy. He is cofounder of the National Internet Observatory, a major, NSF-funded, effort to study the internet. Dr. Lazer has served in multiple leadership and editorial positions, including on the Standing Committee on Advancing Science Communication for the National Academies, the International Society for Computational Social Science, the International Network for Social Network Analysis, Social Networks, Network Science, and Science.