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CrowdTangle Funeral
A diverse community gathered to mourn the loss of CrowdTangle, Meta’s transparency tool that the company killed on August 14, 2024. The funeral highlighted why this tool and others like it are so important.
Online & In-Person
Fisher Colloquium
Hariri Building 4th Floor
Georgetown University
37th and O Street NW
Washington, DC 20057
1:30 pm – 3:30 pm EDT
The Knight-Georgetown Institute (KGI) and the Coalition for Independent Technology Research hosted a memorial service for CrowdTangle, a tool that offered thousands around the globe the ability to analyze real time trends in the information people were sharing. Meta eliminated CrowdTangle on August 14, 2024, in the middle of a year in which more people are voting worldwide than ever before.
This memorial highlighted the value of data access tools like CrowdTangle, and laid out the way forward for establishing a new standard of public data access.
Funeral Program
1:30pm — Opening remarks
Funeral MC: Dave Karpf, George Washington University School of Media & Public Affairs
1:40pm — Eulogy
Julia Angwin, Proof News
2:00pm — Invitation to share remembrances
Dave Karpf
2:05pm — Remembrances of the life of CrowdTangle
Members of the community
2:30pm — A way forward for researchers – a panel conversation
Alissa Cooper, KGI
Rebekah Tromble, George Washington University School of Media & Public Affairs
Brandi Geurkink, Coalition for Independent Technology Research
Nadine Farid Johnson, Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University
3:05pm — Light refreshments